Made it to Friday, woo hoo! Lots and lots of fun this week. 100th Day of School and Valentine's Day Parties! Not to mention a four day week for students' because of professional development today.
The 100th Day of School was celebrated on Thursday! I planned lots of fun activities and my students' had a blast. See my last blog post or click the above picture for more details on the 100th Day!
I got my 5% sticker this week at Weight Watchers. I still have a long while to go, but I was super excited about this small accomplish.
On the above note, when I was coming out of the gym on Thursday, I slipped on ice and sprained my ankle. I have never had pain like this before and my foot is now extremely bruised. Luckily I did not break anything, but I did miss the 100th day and Valentine's Day parties.
I got my students' goodies for Valentine's Day. I just love being able to give my students' something for their parties, even if it is just something little.
Finally, I received awesome feedback on one of my grad papers. It really helps boost my confidence when I can see that I am doing well and doing what is required!
Have a great weekend and have a great week next week. Until next Friday, take care!
-Miss Crafty Teacher