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Five for Friday Linky!

Made it to Friday, woo hoo! Lots and lots of fun this week. 100th Day of School and Valentine's Day Parties! Not to mention a four day week for students' because of professional development today. 
 The 100th Day of School was celebrated on Thursday! I planned lots of fun activities and my students' had a blast. See my last blog post or click the above picture for more details on the 100th Day!

I got my 5% sticker this week at Weight Watchers. I still have a long while to go, but I was super excited about this small accomplish. 

On the above note, when I was coming out of the gym on Thursday, I slipped on ice and sprained my ankle. I have never had pain like this before and my foot is now extremely bruised. Luckily I did not break anything, but I did miss the 100th day and Valentine's Day parties. 

I got my students' goodies for Valentine's Day. I just love being able to give my students' something for their parties, even if it is just something little. 

Finally, I received awesome feedback on one of my grad papers. It really helps boost my confidence when I can see that I am doing well and doing what is required! 

Have a great weekend and have a great week next week. Until next Friday, take care!
-Miss Crafty Teacher

Happy 100th Day of School!!

We finally made it (well almost)! I worked so hard on making so many 100th Day activities and luckily I spent a few hours last night setting them up for today, because after I went to the gym last night I slipped on ice and sprained my ankle, oy vey. However, my students' still had a fun 100th day of school even though I was not there (my  colleague sent me pictures of them working on their 100th day activities, which made my day a little better!)
I made a sign and put up some streamers to help greet students for the 100th Day!
I then left my students' some stickers, a pencil, the materials for their necklace, a pair of 100 glasses (which took forever to cut out, but so fun), and the pictures I took of them now and as a 100 years old (using the Old Fart Booth Application).

Then, I made an estimation station. Each jar either had a 100 items or less than 100 items. Students' had to go around and guess which ones had 100 items. 
Another station was counting by 10s hopscotch. Very simple, but my students' LOVE anything that gets them moving. 
Finally, they worked very hard on creating their 100th day cereal necklaces. They had to put a marker at every 10 pieces of cereal. 

Well that was our 100th day in a nut shell. I am sad I had to miss it, but I am glad my students' had a blast. 

-Miss Crafty Teacher

Five for Friday Linky Party!

It is already February… I still can not believe this! Time just flies by and I have no idea what haas happened in the mean time, oy vey! 

I finally finished my Sight Word Cards! I am so excited to use these in my classroom and I just put them up on Teachers Pay Teachers. I really feel that these will be a great tool to help my students with sight word fluency, and in context! Click the picture above to get these now!

I started Grad School in January and I am going a little crazy with how busy I am. This has been my life every night lately. I feel like I can never get ahead, but it will be worth it in the end!

We have had 7 snow days, since the end of winter break. I am starting to go a little stir crazy and feeling a little stressed with how far behind I am in my classroom. However, one snow day I decided to make a chain showing the days left until the Color Run. 91 more days and I am super excited.  

We started really working on sounding out and blending CVC words in my Kindergarten group. They love the CVC practice cards from Cara Caroll's Filling in the Gaps packet. Everything is already cut out and ready to go, so very easy for me as well!

Finally, My 2nd graders have been working very hard with estimating and their overall number sense. They love to circle the numbers on their 120s chart to help them visualize what number to round to. This chart is from Anna Brantley's, Common Core: Numbers to 120. 

Thank you for checking in! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Hopefully I will see you next week as well!

-Miss Crafty Teacher